Recognising blockchain as a transformative technology, Fundraise Capital Advisory Service (FCAS) provides fundraising, development, strategy and advisory solutions to help deploy blockchain projects and incorporate this technology into worthy projects.

As a pioneer in the strategic consulting and fundraising space for global blockchain projects, Fundraise Capital Advisory Service (FCAS) recognised early on the importance of Web 3.0 and blockchain technology, and how it will revolutionise our future.  

Web 3.0 is the third generation of the World Wide Web. It is a network that provides a decentralised, distributed and global control of information based on technologies such as blockchain, which enable access to information without going through centralised servers.

This exciting new iteration of the Internet is positioned to revolutionise how we interact with data and each other online. Powered by decentralisation, encryption, and a shift from server-client interactions to peer-to-peer interactions, more and more companies are relying on data to power their digital transformation journeys.

We speak to Timo Trippler, award winning CEO and founder of this innovative fin tech fundraising organisation to learn more about the industry and the valuable work it undertakes. 

Firstly, to clarify any misunderstandings, Web 3.0 and blockchain are two of the most talked about technologies of our decade. They’re often referred to as separate entities, but in fact they’re closely linked. Can you tell us more about how this fast evolving technology will change the way we work and interact? 

Blockchain technology via Web 3.0 really is one of the most promising new innovations to emerge in recent years. Its decentralised nature means there’s no need for central authorities such as banks to control transactions, which means it’s an ideal technology for managing business transactions. 

Society is changing at an alarming rate, as is the concept of wealth. Whereas traditionally it would hinge on flat money equating to cash, property and generational financial security, blockchain powered cryptocurrency opens the door to other types of wealth – privacy, decentralisation and personal safety from third party intrusion. As fundraisers for companies that wish to bring new solutions to the market via blockchain technology, we at FCAS firmly believe that the technology has the power to emerge as a real disruptive force across a wide number of industries.

You mentioned that clients of FCAS are seeking funding to implement solutions via blockchain technology. Are these generally start-up companies?

We do tend to focus on start-ups coming to us for venture capital funding, but increasingly there are also established companies within our portfolio. The main difference being that while the start-ups have compelling business models, they lack the funding to launch and embed them. In contrast, larger, more established companies which do have efficient business models in place, come to us for guidance on how to transform them via blockchain technology.

You’ve built up extremely strong relationships with business angels and venture capital companies throughout your personal career and also with FCAS. Could you give us an insight into your background within the industry and the nature of the work you regularly undertake in gaining funding for their projects?

I’ve been involved in the blockchain field since 2015, during which time I’ve held a number of strategic and marketing advisory roles, and worked with many high profile brands across a range of industries. In 2017 I founded FCAS, and as CEO have successfully enabled funding for 91 projects amounting to more than $100 million. I have secured an impressive array of venture capital companies, family offices, high net worth individuals and business angels over my career, and regularly attend conferences and summits to meet new investors and enhance the fundraising network.

Our work at FCAS consists of preparing the necessary documents to pitch to investors for future blockchain projects. Typically, these documents are the pitch deck, business plan, whitepaper and tokenomics – elements which make the pitch valuable and appealing to investors. Once the documents are 100% perfect, the search for investors can begin.

What would you consider to be the greatest challenges you face and how have you managed to overcome them?

Without a doubt, I’d say that the biggest challenge we generally face is matching a client to a potential investor. It really is a case of finding the most appropriate, available and willing investor at the right time for the right project.  

Naturally the process takes both time and patience as the process must be carried out diligently, but the journey is made far easier as a result of having such an extensive database of global investors to call upon. 

Potential new investors join us almost daily and we’re delighted to see a real mix of  investors who have a passion and an affinity for blockchain technology, as well as the more traditional type of investor who understands the importance and relevance of Web 3 and blockchain and have therefore shifted their focus accordingly.

In a thriving market where investors seek value for money when selecting potential clients and projects, how does FCAS stand out from the crowd?

Relationships with investors are based on an established trust. It’s fundamental for all transactions and the cornerstone of our industry. Investors would be reluctant to take action if they were unsure about the credibility and expertise of an advisor, and it is exactly this leap of faith which FCAS guarantees. 

Investors have come to respect us as sector leaders. Our expertise in funding projects to a combined value of more than $100 million since our inception in 2017 speaks volumes for our tenacity and ability to read the market. They trust us implicitly, knowing that we have gone the extra mile in carefully scrutinising our projects and have spent time on perfecting the pitch documents before forwarding them for funding.     

In addition, FCAS only works with projects and companies that I personally believe will be successful. Our recipe for success – and the feature which distinguishes us from our competitors – is our long-standing relationship of trust with investors.  I’ve based my career on building valuable networks and partnerships with high net worth individuals and investors specialising in many sectors. All have common ground in seeking worthy projects to invest in and industrious, reputable advisors to introduce them. In this respect, Timo Trippler’s FCAS is the perfect intermediary between investors and blockchain companies looking for capital.

Located close to Bonn, Germany, FCAS connects companies with corporate ready investors. These collaborations help to solve real business problems, create revenue and transform businesses.  FCAS are proud to have delivered growth and innovation through attracting more than $100 million of funding since its inception.  

For further information on FCAS and its pioneering work in establishing funding for blockchain technology projects, please visit the company website at   Alternatively, please see CEO Timo Trippler’s LinkedIn profile detailing his professional career journey and industry experience –