Danish company Kvantify has launched a revolutionary software tool that promises to accelerate early-stage drug discovery with unprecedented speed and precision. The new physics-based binding affinity software, part of Kvantify’s Koffee drug discovery platform, calculates how strongly a drug molecule interacts with its target protein—an essential factor in developing effective therapies.

According to Kvantify, the new method is 100 times faster than comparable solutions on the market, without compromising accuracy. “Our tool significantly reduces calculation time to just a few minutes, while maintaining the same level of precision as other state-of-the-art methods,” said Hans Henrik Knudsen, CEO of Kvantify.

Binding affinity is crucial in drug development, as strong molecular interactions are necessary for a therapeutic effect. The new software streamlines the process of evaluating these interactions, speeding up the selection of potential drug candidates. Knudsen emphasized that the tool’s combination of speed and accuracy could push high-precision calculations earlier in the drug development pipeline, a critical advantage in pharmaceutical research.

In addition to its speed, the software offers other notable benefits. Kvantify’s binding affinity tool requires no manual setup or parameterization, unlike many machine learning and AI-based methods that rely on large datasets for training. Being fully physics-based, the solution avoids the need for training data, making it more accessible and reliable in diverse research contexts.

With this launch, Kvantify is positioning itself as a leader in computational drug discovery, offering a method that could transform the way pharmaceutical companies approach the development of new therapies.