Business Worldwide Magazine

Green Furniture Concept: Redefining Public Spaces

Green Furniture Concept fully embraces the important values of inclusive design and sustainability. Award winning CEO, Per Lindsjö, tells us how his forward-thinking company makes a tangible difference in environmental sustainability and contributes to a greener and more sustainable planet.     

Inclusive design and sustainable seating are interconnected concepts that contribute to creating more inclusive and environmentally conscious spaces. This means considering the diverse needs of the community in providing seating options which are comfortable, accessible, and adaptable. 

Per Lindsjö, CEO of Malmö based Green Furniture Concept discusses the guiding principles behind this innovative interior design company, its desire to make sustainability the new standard for public space design, and the importance of embracing the circular economy concept.

To begin with, Per, could you briefly explain the benefits of inclusive design for society as a whole?

Inclusive design includes all human beings, but also has broader implications for society. When products and services are designed inclusively, they have the potential to enhance the experiences and quality of life for everyone. For example, curved seating which may originally have been designed to aid wheelchair users, also benefits parents with strollers and those with luggage. Using sustainable and environmentally friendly materials for seating is an important aspect of inclusive design as recycled materials can help minimise the ecological footprint of seating solutions.

Inclusive design encourages innovation and creativity, as it pushes designers to think outside the box and produce solutions that address diverse needs. Additionally, by considering inclusivity from the beginning of the design process, the costs of retrofitting or modifying existing designs can be reduced. Therefore, inclusive design is a strategic approach which benefits individuals, businesses, and general society.

You mentioned sustainability there, and for your organisation – Green Furniture Concept – this is a core ethic across all your operations as well as being a major principle in your interior public space designs. Could you explain your objectives regarding sustainability and how it can enhance the overall inclusivity and environmental impact of public spaces?     

Placing sustainability at the heart of everything we do at Green Furniture Concept reflects our commitment towards making a positive difference, taking responsibility for our actions, and our desire to constantly improve. By embracing the principles of the circular economy in consciously selecting our materials, we aim to minimise our environmental footprint and contribute to a world where natural systems thrive, waste is eliminated, and pollution is minimised. 

Incorporating sustainability into interior design for public spaces has many advantages in terms of addressing inclusivity and environmental issues. Our designs include the following aspects: 

By integrating inclusive design principles and sustainable practices into public seating design, we create spaces that are accessible, comfortable, and reflect our mission towards the long-term sustainability of our environment.

Taking environmental sustainability one step further, Green Furniture Concept is also actively engaged in an exciting project which involves reforesting and replanting trees. Can you tell us more about that?

The balanced use of natural resources is a fundamental aspect of our philosophy. Our belief is that as we create more and more green spaces, the more trees we will plant to support environmental sustainability. To actively reduce our carbon footprint and compensate for the carbon dioxide emissions generated by our operations, we have implemented a tree-planting initiative in Colombia. For every product we sell, we participate in a reforestation project that contributes to the regrowth of forests in the region, which of course benefits the entire planet. 

Hacienda La Tentación, an organisation we collaborate with, has dedicated 120 hectares of land to reforestation efforts. Through ongoing support, we are financing the establishment of plantations consisting of deep-rooted tree species, including Colombian mahogany, rosy trumpet, and princewood. By engaging in reforestation projects and actively planting trees, we aim to make a tangible difference in the most critical areas for our planet. 

Green Furniture Concept certainly challenges the perception of how public spaces are designed. Perhaps you could give us examples of case studies and the sectors across which your interior designs have been implemented.

Our mission to become forerunners in sustainable public space interiors sets a global standard. In designing transport hubs we’ve enhanced waiting areas and transformed airports and stations with long-lasting sleek, comfortable and good-looking seating surfaces. In total we have a portfolio of more than 150 green transport hub projects including London’s Waterloo and London Bridge Stations, Edinburgh Airport, Scotland, Barcelona Airport, Spain, Fort Lauderdale, Florida and Newark Airport, USA.

In the retail space, we’ve completed more than 130 green retail space projects across Europe and USA where we’ve created calm, inviting areas within shopping malls, galleries and commercial areas, including Rive Gauche Charleroi and Gera Arcaden Shopping Centres in Belgium and Germany respectively, Bruuns Galleri, Denmark and Ballston Quarter, New Virginia, USA.    

We’ve also designed 35 green healthcare projects where we’ve used natural materials and indoor planters to generate a sense of wellbeing, whilst incorporating antibacterial surfaces and seating designs which focus on patient safety. Our projects include designing the main entrance of the Children’s Hospital in Michigan, USA, the emergency centre of Malmo University Hospital, and furniture for Sheba Tel HaShomer University Hospital, Israel. In addition, we’ve transformed multiple workplace environments – offices, lobbies, rest rooms etc, with sustainable aesthetics and natural materials – making them more welcoming and better places to work. 

That’s a fascinating overview of the organisation and an impressive array of projects already completed. On a personal note, could you describe your leadership approach and how that impacts and strengthens Green Furniture Concept? 

As a leader, my approach is shaped by three guiding principles: clarity, simplicity, and teamwork. We’re an inclusive workplace, placing importance on gender equality at all levels and I strongly believe that our strength lies in the collective effort of each and every individual. We make data driven decisions and ensure our growth is sustainable and grounded in responsible practices, and by uniting as a global team we are able to establish new benchmarks for sustainable design that will inspire change worldwide. 

Education is high on the Green Furniture Concept agenda and we are all committed to promoting lifelong learning. We take pride in sharing our ideas through extensive training and webinars, spreading awareness and knowledge on important topics, such as inclusive design to improve public spaces, the significance of circularity in the design process and practical ways to implement it together with insights into sustainability in design processes for travel hubs of the future. With these headline topics, we aim to facilitate discussions and foster continuous learning in our quest for a greener and more sustainable future. 

Malmö based Green Furniture Concept excel in making sustainability the new standard for public space design with an aim to bring nature indoors and create modern, flexible, and adaptable areas for transport hubs and retail, healthcare and educational spaces. 

For further information on this inspirational organisation, details on the extensive range of international projects carried out, together with industry knowledge, insight and webinars relating to the circular economy, best practices and contact details, please visit the Green Furniture Concept website:

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