Business Worldwide Magazine

Jinfiniti Precision Medicine – Fighting for Longevity

In a world that spends millions on advertising health supplements, Jinfiniti Precision Medicine has identified that a key step is missing – easily accessible, tailored guidance based on unique individual needs.

Stories have been told since the beginning of humankind about the myth of immortality. In 2022, Jinfiniti Precision Medicine is helping people around the world take an incredible step to not just being healthier, but to living longer than before. Immortality? Perhaps not. Ground breaking medical innovation? Without a doubt.

Jinfiniti, founded in 2018 by Dr Jin-Xiong She, is dedicated to increasing human health and lifespan by providing a range of rapid screening services to biomedical research institutions, pharmaceutical companies and the longevity industry. With a foundation in expert medical research combined with a passion for using technology to deliver ever more valuable patient benefits, Jinfiniti has very quickly been able to position itself as not only a market leader, but as an organisation that is redefining an entire sector.

So many pressures on our lives, and one great opportunity to change

Even before the COVID pandemic struck, everyday life was susceptible to broad ranging pressures which have a detrimental impact on health and wellbeing. Poor nutrition, lack of exercise, insufficient sleep and the general stresses and challenges of the day-to-day are likely to speed up the aging process, and be the root cause of many of today’s illnesses / diseases.   

Unfortunately, far too often, people realise something may be untoward at a late stage in diagnosis, and therefore instead of preventative medicine they are forced to start looking at treatments. Sometimes, with conditions such as diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease, when you reach a point where you need treatment you are already at serious risk of long term health issues, injury or even death.

There have been many attempts made already by various organisations to try and provide people with supplements and advice on how to prevent or treat medical conditions. The US supplement market itself is vast with a predicted 2022 value of over $21 billion and yet there is very little guidance available to help people understand what supplements or actions to take to help prevent potential issues that are specific and targeted based on their individual genetic make-up and needs.

As a result, very few people truly understand what lifestyle or supplements they really need the most.

Through extensive research Jinfiniti have been able to identify an opportunity to change this situation and to give people something of incredible value – bespoke insight into their own body’s needs, entirely based on the insight that your blood is teeming with information about your health.

By creating tests that are able to measure actionable aging biomarkers in blood, Jinfiniti has given people the power to make well informed decisions, quickly, about how to alter their lifestyle and achieve better health in areas where their body needs the most attention.

A comprehensive suite of tests that put the user in control

Driven by a passion for consistent innovation and a commitment to user care, Jinfiniti continues to add to a suite of tests that have an underlying foundation of focusing on ageing related conditions.

“You have to take the whole body into consideration. We cannot deal with one disease or one organ at a time. We really have to deal with the root causes of ageing related diseases,” explains Dr She when speaking about the systematic approach that Jinfiniti takes.

Most of the tests that Jinfiniti has created help measure NAD, senescence, inflammation, oxidative stress, and other hallmarks of aging. They are shipped directly to the customer’s address where a blood sample is collected and returned back to the labs for analysis.

Jinfiniti’s proprietary Intracellular NAD™ Test is the only commercially available test of its kind on the market and helps users find the right delivery strategy, supplementation type, brand and dosage to optimize their NAD levels. NAD (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is mainly found inside the cells but also excreted into the blood stream by cells, and is essential to life and a person’s quality of life – both physically speaking as well as mentally and emotionally. NAD is involved in five of the hallmarks of aging and its insufficiency can increase the risks of age-related diseases such as chronic fatigue, stroke, heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, neurodegenerative and infectious diseases.

When the COVID pandemic brought much of the world grinding to a halt, impacting so many people’s lives, Jinfiniti focused on identifying ways to help COVID sufferers through creating its  Biomarker Panel for COVID Long Haulers. These tests are based on the understanding that people with suboptimal health issues are more likely to develop more severe symptoms and long term complications from COVID-19 infection. As a result of their research expertise, Jinfiniti has been able to specially design this test to measure molecular and cellular functions that have been altered in COVID-19 patients.

A team of experts at the helm

Prior to founding Jinfiniti, Dr She has enjoyed a remarkable three decade career as an eminent scholar, professor and founding director of the Centre for Biotechnology and Genomic Medicine at the Medical College of Georgia Augusta University. He has published 400 peer-reviewed papers and is the lead researcher in one of the largest ever international long-term studies into the environmental triggers of Type 1 diabetes.

With this expertise and foundation in cutting edge research, Dr She sets the tone for Jinfiniti’s work and has refined his thinking to appreciate that in order to address the challenges and risks of aging one cannot look at one disease or health condition at a time as we are only as strong as our weakest link.

“The more we look into it, the more we realise that we cannot deal with one disease or one organ at a time. We really have to deal with the root causes of age-related diseases,” he explains when asked about the beliefs that guide his and Jinfiniti’s work.

Achieving a position of strength through overcoming challenge

Interestingly, the position of strength that their expertise in academic research provides Jinfiniti, was also a barrier to growth that Dr She and his team had to overcome. 

Combining the work of a highly respected academic with leading a commercial organisation, Dr She had to find a way to balance the requirements of both worlds. Topics such as go to market plans, pricing strategies, business prioritisations and supply chain management all became very pressing and it is testament to his broad range of skills and passion for the industry that Jinfiniti has responded to the business challenges faced, and indeed, thrived upon them through collaboration with high quality partnerships.

Future plans

Jinfiniti Precision Medicine is experiencing exciting growth as people search for those unique insights to help them make well informed decisions about their own health. While the organisation intends to add further tests to the range already available, one of the interesting growth plans for the future of the Georgia-based company is to partner the tests with treatments that target specific hallmarks of aging and, in time, are fully FDA approved prevention and treatments for age-related illnesses.

By combining these expansion plans with a commitment to innovation and a heartfelt mission of help​​​ing guide people to improved health, slower aging, and prevention of age-related diseases, Jinfiniti’s long term future success looks assured. 

Detailed information on maximising health span and determining the detrimental root causes of aging through the use of Jinfiniti’s comprehensive range of biomarkers and tests, can be found at the company website – Jinfiniti Precision Medicine

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