Business Worldwide Magazine

Daniel Kilger: Pioneer, Innovator and Entrepreneur

Some are born to be innovators, others entrepreneurs. Daniel Kilger is a rare example of both. A self-professed pioneer of revolutionary techniques and concepts, Daniel not only wants to change the world, but inspire and encourage others to follow suit.

Modern technology provides a constant connection to new customer bases and easier relationship building at both local and international levels.  Entrepreneurship and innovation have exciting roles to play in developing the marketplace of the future. Daniel Kilger, the brainchild being Start up SAFARI – Munich, and CEO of pioneering technology, Smokeless – welcomes these emerging opportunities, and explains how in combination with effective networking, these have been both the foundation and driving force of his career.  

An entrepreneur at heart

Cultivating entrepreneurship and impressing the importance of fresh ways of thinking in developing young minds lies at the heart of future success. Children are born imaginative, energetic and willing to take risks. Instilling entrepreneurial education and an awareness that their dreams can be achieved has led many a budding entrepreneur to elevated heights, and Daniel bears testament to this concept.

At the tender age of 14 Daniel developed and launched his own social media platform. A regional success, informing people of events in the local area and a means of enabling people to communicate and exchange about events and social activities. 

Networking is a further essential ingredient to achieving success. Upon graduating, Daniel established an international academic partnership, encouraging students from his Munich university to partner in networking collaboration with students from a partner university in the USA.  As a firm believer that mutually sharing ideas and experiences offers a rich source of reassurance and confidence, Daniel’s philosophy promotes the importance of networking. It generates valuable feedback and constructive advice for those planning to start something new, he explains.

Daniel’s dedicated passion to building business ecosystems and providing assistance to the next generation of start-ups in Munich, led him to initiate the Munich based Startup SAFARI, which, in less than two years, has become a prominent door opener for aspiring innovators and entrepreneurs.  Startup SAFARI Munich gives attendees access to start up events within their city, the opportunity to learn about innovative trends and a network of dynamic companies which disrupt traditional business models. 

A Visionary Innovator

As both an entrepreneur and an innovator ready to push boundaries to achieve success, Daniel inspires others to discover their ‘inner innovator’ through establishing Start Up SAFARI Munich. ‘It’s crucial that start ups and corporates benefit equally in meeting each other,’ he explains, adding that partnerships can be tailormade to match individual business aims and objectives, ultimately teaming start ups and founders in unique and unconventional ways. 

Start up SAFARI Munich’s goal is to connect like minded people and shape futures. The ability to travel the whole city, select interesting sessions to attend, create an agenda and then learn, network and interact is a powerful initiative. ‘We believe in the bigger picture,’ Daniel explains. ‘We are stronger together, we can achieve something great, something which goes beyond our imagination, something which can change the face of the world.’  

His passion as a start up evangelist is obvious for all to see as he rallies corporates, investors, start ups and governments to unite and support each other. The strong ethos of unity is carried through a philosophy of there being no restrictions on who can be an entrepreneur or who can be successful in business. Through Start up SAFARI Munich, Daniel promotes equality in providing a safe and productive environment for everyone regardless of gender, age, race, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, religion (or lack of). This is a harassment free space designed to encourage entrepreneurship and foster long lasting bonds.

Bureaucracy and the time taken to deal with regulations has traditionally been seen as a major obstacle within Germany in comparison to other countries which appear to take a far more pragmatic approach to encouraging start ups and kickstarting innovation. Being very much in favour of easing complicated procedures, Daniel is keen to help aspiring entrepreneurs overcome these obstacles and assist in any ways he can.

Indeed, helping, encouraging and aspiring others to overcome barriers is an ongoing theme in Daniel’s life as he tells us about founding a revolutionary new venture – Smokeless. 

Pioneering exciting new technologies

Smokeless is a disruptive technology which aims to change the world for good. Every five seconds one person dies from the consequences of smoking. Globally, this equates to six million smoking related deaths per year. ‘We live in constantly evolving times and technology is at the forefront of it,’ he says, highlighting his ambition to save one million lives per year. 

Smokeless, developed with smart algorithms, provides tailor made programmes for each individual, radically changing the way addiction is treated. Rather than being a ‘one size fits all’ solution, Smokeless challenges the status quo, placing Daniel as a pioneer within the realm of transforming health.

Statistics show that in 2019, 96 per cent of those trying to quit smoking failed. Such a phenomenal failure rate in a high tech world seems wrong, and Daniel is determined to rise to the challenge to bring this number down. It’s a subject close to his own heart, as having lost closed loved ones to cancer, and also having friends trying to quit the smoking habit, this further evidences his undoubted desire to succeed.        

A desire to encourage and inspire others  

Daniel reiterates his dedication to assisting potential entrepreneurs when asked about the most important piece of advice he can offer to potential entrepreneurs. ‘Do it,’ he responds. ‘Do it at all costs.  Don’t let anyone stop you or get in your way. Major changes and transformation in ways of working depend on people being willing to step forward and push those traditional boundaries and obstacles.’ 

‘Create your own journey,’ Daniel continues. ‘Don’t try to fit into a mould created by society to meet generic goals. Each journey is different, designed to be travelled at its own pace. To all students graduating in this surreal time, don’t be afraid to build your own path and follow your own instincts. This can be your time.’  

Daniel Kilger, innovator and entrepreneur behind Start up SAFARI Munich and  Smokeless is definitely one who backs up his words with actions. 

Further information on the concept of Start up SAFARI can be found at  with contact details and information specific to the Munich initiative at the Start Up SAFARI Munich website –   

For those wishing to sign up to receive further details about Smokeless, Daniel’s revolutionary new venture geared towards stopping smoking, please visit  

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