Business Worldwide Magazine

Wirecard and Sodexo Support Public Authorities With Digital Transformation

Wirecard and Sodexo join forces to simplify state services at municipal level 

Wirecard, one of the leading specialists in digital financial technology, and Sodexo, market leader in control solutions for public authorities, have joined forces to support job centers and communities in Germany with digital transformation efforts.

With a new electronic voucher, Wirecard and Sodexo are meeting the needs of the authorities for ever more targeted solutions. Along with a variety of control options, the new payment medium also considerably simplifies things for service providers and users when shopping for everyday items. The new, convenient, modern payment solution has been developed specifically for all service providers in SGB II and XII (Sozialgesetzbuch; social security statute book) as well as state institutions and legal systems. It reduces the complex processes involved in providing services over the long term.

With the cash register integration specially designed by Wirecard and Sodexo, the procedure represents an enormous process simplification for retailers. For this reason, the Handelsverband Deutschland (HDE), the leading organization of the German retail trade, also supports the digitization of social vouchers through open systems that integrate not only large retailers but also the fragmented retail trade in Germany in equal measure. With their joint solution, Wirecard and Sodexo are driving the digitalization of payment processes even further forward and are laying down a milestone in the digital transformation of management solutions.

Ulrike Zädow, CEO of Sodexo: “Modern digital payment solutions simplify state services. By cooperating with Wirecard, we strengthen our profile as the leading service provider for efficient control systems, reducing state transaction costs and provide a valuable contribution to easing the burden of management.”

Christian Reindl, Executive Vice President Sales Consumer Goods at Wirecard, adds: “As a leading international driver of payment process digitalization, we strive to leverage our expertise to the benefit of other companies as well as the public sector. We are proud to expand our collaboration, which will now be gradually rolled out nationwide across Germany.”


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